Our extensive program is delivered by specialist Music teachers and includes every student right from Kindergarten. It’s a key element of our balanced education and is an essential component to learning.
Studies show exposing children to music helps improve their cognitive function from a young age. The actual practice of music can engage the imagination, foster flexible ways of thinking, develop disciplined effort and build self-confidence. It stimulates creative, intellectual and emotional development and enriches our whole school and wider community through an extensive performance program.
Students play, move, listen, compose, improvise, explore and more - in Music lessons, cocurricular ensembles, musical theatre productions, assemblies, community performances and showcase events - there’s space for everyone to get involved!
Music facilities
Our Performing Arts Centre includes specialist Music classrooms and tutorial rooms, two orchestra rehearsal rooms, a recording studio, a computer lab and a professional 750 seat auditorium with hydraulic orchestra pit for performances.
The Music Curriculum
Every child learns Music with specialist teachers from Kindergarten to Year 8. An instrumental program runs in Year 3 (strings) and Year 4 (band) where every student learns to play their own instrument in small group tutorials and ensemble lessons. It can be studied to the highest level as a course choice in Years 9 to 12, including Music 1 and Music 2 HSC courses.
Music ensembles
Over 15 cocurricular ensembles from Kindergarten to Year 12 bring students together outside the classroom to extend their interest and skills and take part in school and community performances, concerts and productions.
Our professional collaboration with (SCC) creates performance and workshop opportunities for students and a rehearsal and performance venue for SCC. Our musicians are involved in numerous eisteddfods and festivals on the Central Coast and in Sydney.
International music tours enrich the cultural lives of our musicians, together with incoming tours and workshops.
Our elite musicians in Years 5 to 12 extend their skills and perform alongside students from other schools at The HICES (Heads of Independent Coeducational Schools) Music Festival.
There is much cross fertilisation with the through involvement of our students and tutors in masterclasses and programs.
Private tuition
Over 300 students a week enjoy convenient personal Music tuition across a wide range of instruments, on site during the school day, from a team of 31 accomplished professional musicians.
Music Scholarship
ºÚÁÏÊÓƵ offers a Music Scholarship for entry into Year 7.